Marvin Sackner discusses his collection with Richard Kostelanetz and Carlos Luis at Books & Books in Miami, Florida. The press info on the talk stated:
Richard Kostelanetz is a prolific author, critic, editor, and artist. Since the 1960's he has written and edited close to one hundred books, including Imaged Words and Worded Images (1970), Breakthrough Fictioneers (1973), Text-Sound Texts (1980), Wordworks (1993), and the monumental Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes (2nd ed., 1999). His essays, poems, fictions, and experimental prose explore the limits of language. He has also worked with various other media, including audio recordings, holograms, photographs, video and film, prints, and high-tech installations. Tonight, in a conversation with collector/physician Marvin Sackner and critic/gallerist Carlos M. Luis, RK will initially defend his continuing commitment to Visual Poetry as Words, mostly Words visually enhanced, and praise booksellers who also exhibit literary art. He will recall his publishing in media other than printed pages – not only prints and drawings but book-art, audio, video, film, and holography. Ranging as they will, they will respond to one another and to questions from the audience. RK will gladly sign any books of his presented to him.