Friday, December 17, 2010

Troyart Show in Brazil

What a fun show! The Museu Brasileiro da Escultura in São Paulo, Brasil sent 500 artists one of several pre-punched robotic designs to assemble and decorate as they saw fit. The artists then returned them to the museum for an exhibition opening on Friday, January 14, 2011 and runs through to January 30th.  The show will then be part of the permanent sculpture collection.

To see the show online go to  Below is my contribution:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

NYC Artists Book Fair

Anticham and Francis of Redfox Press, Ginny, Sticker Dude aka Joel Cohen.

Here we are again with Mark Bloch (Panman) added to the crew.

Ginny and Francis with his silkscreens on the wall.

I love books! I have since I was a kid, before I could read I loved to look at books. I read anything and everything in the house. I came to believe I could learn to do anything if I could find something in print on the topic. I also believe you can become anything, as long as you can find the instruction manual.

 I have written a sizable number of instruction manuals for corporate clients and their employees/customers and developed training programs for the same. But I digress into a different "blog". I went up to NYC for this fair for several reasons. When I heard about it I knew I had to....see the books (what is happening now in artists books?), look for publisher leads for a planned artistamp book, meet Anticham and Francis, get to see their books first hand, and go tot he MOMA for a good modern art fix.

I was not disappointed. After getting my room squared away - unbelievably the hotel was sold out and did not have my reservation!! Adding to the stress of this, their internet access was down so I could not quickly find another. But that ended up with them putting me into a suite, reserved for this type of issue, the manager said. (Does this happen often?)

I spent my first afternoon at MOMA and dinner, then over to see Bill Wilson, the Ray Johnson and May Wilson art collector. Bill and I have only met in person once before but it is as though I've known him for years. Well I could have, since we grew up across the river from each other on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. A long way from international artists book art, mail art, FLUXUS, artistamps and more. It's a rural, small town Southern culture we're from and we share a few historical connections that is for another story. Southerners like to talk about family history when they get together.

Kitchen Fluxkit by George Maciunas
Yoko Ono Fluxus Score

Wonder photo of Potatoes Flying by (don't remember)

Bill and Ginny

Bill Wilson

The book fair was huge - 3 stories of a former school filled with books; their makers and publishers ready to answer questions and sell you copies. It took 2 days for me to take it all in. The crowd Saturday afternoon was so thick you could barely move. Nevertheless it was wonderful to see how much artists books as an art form has grown. I recall my first book fair in Frankfurt where artists books were the rarity put in one corner. No longer.

On the third floor I discovered the zines and alternative books. And to my surprise, several booths of artists from San Francisco. We had lots to talk about and I shared my own zine history with several of these folks. One requested an interview for the SFMOMA which I gladly granted. I met a couple zine artists who looked younger than my grown grandchildren. I laughed as they did a double-take when I admired their zine art while I told them I used to make zines. I guess their grandmother doesn't make zines? I also saw works by Ulises Carrión and a $1,000 artistamp sheet by General Idea for sale.

Mark and Ginny

Antic and Francis
The Redfox Press booth was very popular. The output by Francis and Anticham has both quality and consistency, enough for them to make a living and do their international travel for the fair circuit. The suit of books by both of them and the guest artists were wonderful to see spread out amongst two long tables. Joel Cohen (Sticker Dude) was on hand to sign books, and played the guitar for the crowd. See the books in the video below.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Copy Art Workshop at the Jaffe Center for the Book Arts

I have been teaching a copy art workshop at the Florida Atlantic University's Jaffe Center for the Book Arts. The enrollment has been huge so I have taught a second one and a third is planned in November, also sold out.

The photos posted here are some of the participants' works made during the second class. The first class produced equally wonderful works. I'm proud of them all.

Opening of A Book About Death @ Belknap Mi

Melissa McCarthy is wrapped performing my Futurists Meet Fluxus as the "grand finale" score at the opening of the A Book About Death show at the Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon Street East in Laconia NH,  Friday October 29th, 2010. On loan from The Studio.

Melissa wrote, "The audience thought it was a riot!" For more information see her blog at: Belknap Mill

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Participate in this Historical Mail Art Show

Please mail something, anything, for the following before October 1, 2010. I will be at Asheville, north Carolina, to install the exhibition. Thanks in Advance, John
BMC to DiY:

The Continuing Influence of Black Mountain College Artists

(Josef & Anni Albers, Ruth Asawa, Carolyn Brown, Remy Charlip, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Willem de Kooning, Buckminster Fuller, Ray Johnson, Karen Karnes, Albert Lanier, M. C. Richards, Robert Rauschenberg, Kenneth Snelson, Norman Solomon [Mr. Postcards], Marie Tavroges Stilkind, David Tudor, Cy Twombly, Peter Voulkos, et al.)

Mail Art Show Curated with Lecture by John Held, Jr.

Re-Viewing Black Mountain College 2

A Conference Co-hosted by

The Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and

The University of North Carolina at Asheville

October 8-10, 2010

Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Snelson

Send Mail Art to:
BMC to DiY

Black Mountain College Museum

56 Broadway

Asheville, NC 28801

Exhibition deadline October 1, 2010

Exhibition to remain in BMC Museum archive

Attached Photo: Hazel Larsen Archer, Untitled (Ray in Josef Albers' Class), ca. 1945-1948. Estate of Hazel Larsen Archer and BMC Museum + Arts Center
Ray Johnson font by Keith Bates (England)

Monday, August 9, 2010

A few photos of the Carbon Alternative installation

Ginny Lloyd
Ginny Lloyd
Ginny Lloyd
Roc cover on StampArt by Picasso Gaglione
Ryouski Cohen
Leland Fletcher
Ginny Lloyd
Not sure
Not sure

Monday, August 2, 2010

Write Your Own Score

Keith A. Buchholz
Performing Ginny Lloyd's Score "Write Your Own Score"... and performing
the score that he wrote .......... Stampland in Chicago, Saturday Afternoon July 31, 2010.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Artibook - Travel Book

Sample pages. Would you buy this book? Considering publishing it "print on demand".

Artibooks - Plastic and multimedia

A sample of several books made in this style:

Artibooks Two - Letterpress

Keypunch cards and letterpress

Rag paper, satin and beading